PROFESSOR: Heitor Luiz Murat De Meirelles Quintella, DSc (No momento não leciona na FEN)

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Heitor Luiz Murat de Meirelles Quintella, DSc

 Résumé Dr. Quintella is founder and main partner of Stratimídia Consulting Firm where he has conducted consulting projects of Business Transformation and Training for international consulting firms, computing services and medical pharmaceutical industries. Among his clients are IBM, Unisys, Ernst & Young, Votorantim, Sanofi, BioRad, AMIL International Health, etc...  He is currently a Visiting professor at UERJ and Invited Professor of MBA’s (at Fundação Getulio Vargas, UFF and COPPE) , Former professor at lMaster’s and Doctoral programs of Universidade Federal Fluminense and Master’s programs of Universidade Estácio de Sá, leading research projects on Competitiveness and Organizational Development. Recent Research and Consulting Projects led were: Critical Success Factors of Start-ups in Petroleum Industry, Insurance, Consulting Firms; Business Culture Analysis and Design in Petroleum Business, Pharmaceutical Industries, Computing Industries, Metallurgical and Siderurgical Industries, TV Broadcast Industry; Best Practices and Benchmarks in Telecom Services, Pharmaceutical Industries, Airlines, miscellaneous industries such as Gases, Transportation, Chemicals, Energy, Retail.  He also acts as Court Forensic Expert and Forensic Consultant in the field of Corporate  Cyber Crime, Intellectual Business Property Violations – Brand Products-, Intercompany Billing Systems Crime, Business Property Appraisals - Equipment and Real Estate -, Executive Labor Indemnification Calculus. With fourCertificates in Forensic Science and as member and Director of The Rio de Janeiro Forensic Experts Association has acted in Cases of International Companies such as Microsoft, Adobe, Symantec, Macromedia, Autodesk… He also acts as Arbitrator and Mediator in Brasilian and international chambers  He is the author of eighteen books, three executive videos and more than a hundred and fifty articles published in some of the most important journals and congress annals, and has more than 200 appearances in the latin american press.  Dr. Heitor Quintella was a  senior consultant and project manager with IBM  Business Transformation Practice in Brasil and Latin America. He was also a Senior Science Researcher at the IBM Scientific Center. He has varied expertise developed over 25 years working in strategic planning, prospective analysis for computer aided business development for clients in education/research, computer industries, government and banks, acting as consulting partner and executive in multiple organizations.  He led a project for the Research Institutes of the Presidency of Brasil’s National Scientific & Technology Development Council to develop an information  systems strategy and examine their management and research processes. The information technology strategy developed resulted in substantial cost savings through staff reductions and site relocations, operations processes were reengineered and Council’s research scope was expanded to an international level. In a project for the National Security Council’s Informatics Secretary to stimulate growth in the computer industry he coauthored studies and plans and helped the implementation team in executing the national informatics policy. He provided leadership to various firms, helping them develop a vision, establish business objectives, management approaches and implementation plans allowing them to align their business with the national development plan. As a result, the brasilian computer market quadrupled in 4 years, and national manufacturers grew from 16% to 51% share in a final total of 7 BiUS$ yearly sales, and some new 300 companies/300 000 jobs were created. He was a partner at 3I and Brameur, and since 1967 acts as independent consultant and mentor. In this capacity he led 7 major consulting projects, amongst others, averaging US$K 200 each, in government and banks. As a result his clients had cost/staff reductions with quality improvements in management information systems. In a project to  establish a new direction and business strategy for a telematics manufacturer in Brasil, Dr. Quintella led the effort to integrate a newly acquired competitor and redesign the manufacturing and R&D processes, by means of international agreements of technology transfer. The results were staff and cost reduction, quadrupled revenue within two years, new product lines introduced and significant increase in market share. In this process he had responsibility over 350 men and 8 managers in main site (plant and R&D ). He has significant experience consulting with universities to develop new strategies and performance measures linked with funding actions. He did market analysis and requirement studies with local firms as well as curriculum revision and development. He also trained educators on the new courses and professions context. Through these projects the universities forged partnerships with local companies to provide relevant education, increase in their revenue and improve their image in the community. Dr. Quintella developed technology and market trend analysis to plan new professions and advanced human resources development for multiple organizations (banks, government and multinationals). As a result, these clients expanded the scope of their business with revenue growth and both client and employee significant satisfaction improvement. On publishing, news and entertainment groups he led projects to help them analize their situation and find alternatives to adjust their vision, technology and market niche to new environment requirements. He helped them reengineer their processes, define new products and reduce costs. As a result the clients downsized and modernized the services offer by means of international technology transfer contracts, thus gaining profitability and restarting growth aligned with market trends. He led projects for bank owned companies and development banks helping develop a vision, methodologies and to align their strategic investments with the national industrial development plan in computers, electronics, science and technology. As a result the clients obtained a better return on strategic technology investments. In the press he acted as technoscientific consultant, editor, and writer in the major vehicles of Latin America (certified member of Brasilia Press Association and Association of Translators). He is also a life member of Academies of Letters in Brasil and England, and an award winning, best selling writer, lyricist and also a playwright. Dr. Quintella was awarded advanced research grants from PUC Rio, National Research Council, British Council and IBM for works in Brasil, UK and Japan. He has also received decorations and recognitions from the Naval War School, the Brasilian Army, Rotary International and others. He is a past president of the Rotary, The Brasilian Association of Informatics Executives and the Society of Users, and member of various scientific, professional and arts societies. He was lecturer/researcher in major brasilian, european and japanese universities and has been author, organizer and chairman of some 300 major scientific and educational events in 35 countries and 20 states of Brasil. He has supervised, comiteed and cooriented 60 theses  at masters and doctoral level and more than  50 final projects of engineering, computing and management and  in various universities and of students from Brasil, UK, USA, latin american, asian and african countries.  Dr. Quintella has conducted post-doctoral studies in organizational psychology at the Instituto de Integração Humana and in tech management at University of São Paulo/Latin America Tech Institute joint program. He holds a DSc in Systems Engineering from Federal University of  Rio de Janeiro. He completed a masters degree in Operational Research at the University of Newcastle and earned a MSc degree in Informatics from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, where he also received a Licentiate in Physics. He attended study visits in automation at British Petroleum and British Steel in Wales, in R&D policies at ICL in the UK and IBM in the UK, Japan, US and Brasil), in computer and component manufaturing (Brasil) and in Sci & Tech management  (University of S.Paulo, Pace University and IBM at Thornwood, Boca Raton, Atlanta and Palisades). As hobbies he cultivates mainly writing kids stories, poetry and theatre plays. In this field he earned  a Prize in Paris (Prix Lectures Transgression 90)  and  number of Prizes in Brasil for short stories, lyrics and poems. He has received a number of decorations and medals from Literary Academies. Also as an amateur student of  languages and history he is fluent in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French and has basic knowledge of eight modern languages and Latin. Dr Quintella has also leisure activities in miniature trains, drawing, computer graphics and photos. He is fluent is Portuguese, English, French, Spanish and has basic knowledge in other eight languages.  His living experience out of his native Rio de Janeiro covers four years living in England, five and half years living in The Federal District – Brasilia, several short periods of time living in USA during job assignments and  extensive traveling in some thirty five countries. His community and volunteer work was done so far as Rotary International Past President and with the Order of Malta and UN Volunteers.  

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