Palestra: Analytical Design Of Pid Controllers

Criada em 26/05/2019 11:08 por maperna | Marcadores: DETEL evento fen

Palestra no DEE/PUC-Rio: Analytical Design of PID Controllers

Palestrante: Prof. Shankar P. Bhattacharyya

Na Quinta-feira, 30.05.2019, às 13h, na sala Multimeios L401-1,
localizada no 4° andar do Edificio Cardeal Leme da PUC-Rio,
haverá a palestra intitulada "Analytical Design of PID Controllers",
ministrada pelo Prof. Shankar P. Bhattacharyya, da Texas A&M University.

O titulo da palestra é identico ao titulo do novo livro do Prof. Shankar,
recentemente publicado pela Springer, e ele escolheu a PUC-Rio como a
primeira universidade no Brasil para a sua divulgação.

Todos estão convidados e, se julgarem pertinente, fiquem à vontade para
divulgar a palestra para seus alunos de graduação e pós-graduação.



Analytical Design of PID Controllers


This lecture, based on a forthcoming book (August 2019) with the same
title, describes a new analytical approach to the design of
proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers for linear
time-invariant plants. The authors develop a computer-aided procedure, to
synthesize PID controllers that satisfy multiple design specifications. A
geometric approach, which can be used to determine such designs
methodically using 2- and 3-D computer graphics is the result. The results
expand on the computation of the complete stabilizing set based on
signature methods, previously developed by the author and presented here.
This set is then systematically exploited to achieve multiple design
specifications simultaneously. These specifications include classical gain
and phase margins, time-delay tolerance, settling time and H-infinity norm
bounds. The results are developed for continuous- and discrete-time
systems. An extension to multivariable systems is also included.
Analytical Design of PID Controllers provides a novel method of designing
PID controllers, which makes it ideal for both researchers and
professionals working in traditional industries as well as those connected
with unmanned aerial vehicles, driverless cars and autonomous robots.

*Professor Shankar P. Bhattacharyya Short-Presentation*

Shankar P. Bhattacharyya holds a Bachelor of Technology in Electrical
Engineering (1967), IIT Bombay, India, Master (1969) and PhD (1971) in
Electrical Engineering from Rice University, USA. He was a professor
(1971-1980) and Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering (1978-80)
at COPPE-UFRJ where he established the first Post-Graduation course in
Brazil, in Automatic Control. Currently, he is a professor of Electrical
Engineering at Texas A & M University where he owns the Robert M. Kennedy
chair. His research is in the area of Automatic Control in which he
contributed with the first solution of the problem of Multivariable
Servomechanism, generalization of Kharitonov's Theorem, creation of an
Algorithm for pole placement, demonstration of the fragility of the High
Dynamic Optimal Controllers, complete solution of the synthesis of
Proportional-Integral-Differential (PID) Controllers and the development
of a new approach to the control problem for plants without mathematical
models. Honors and Awards: National Academy of Sciences- NASA Research
Fellow (1974); elected Fellow of the IEEE (1989); Senior Fullbright
Lecturer Award (1989); Boeing Welliver Faculty Fellow Award (1998); Robert
M. Kennedy Endowed Professorship, Texas A & M University (2004), elected
Foreign Member of Academia Brasileira de Ciencias (2011); elected IFAC
Fellow (2011), elected Foreign Member of the National Academy of
Engineering, Brazil (2015); and Outstanding Teaching Award by Texas A & M
University (2016). Professor Shankar has supervised several Masters and
PhD students, as well as published 9 books and nearly 400 papers in field
of Control Systems.

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detel - Depto. de Eng. Eletrônica e Telecomunicações

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