Prêmio Sweden Impact Award 2017

Criada em 13/06/2017 11:56 por maperna | Marcadores: deamb DESMA dir fen fotos geral peamb

Prêmio Sweden Impact Award 2017 dado para projeto da Linnaeus University tendo Profa. Marcia Marques FEN-UERJ como coordenadora científica


O prêmio entregue em Estocolmo é de grande relevância internacional e dado para um projeto dentre vários concorrentes de várias universidades suecas. 
O ganhador da categoria Physical Sciences and Engineering foi conduzido pela Universidade sueca Linnaeus University onde a profa. Márcia Marquefoi nos 6 anos de execução, coordenadora científica. O projeto gerou 6 teses de doutorado e 26 artigos científicos sendo que que a profa. Márcia Marques é co-autora de 24.



Network for Advancing and Evaluating the Societal Impact of Science AESIS


Impact of Science 2017

Building Alliances for synergy between world class science and societal impact

12-13 June 2017 in Stockholm, Sweden


Organized in collaboration with: Elsevier, Venteskapsrådet, Vinnova, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, Formas, Researchfish, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare


This year, for the first time, AESIS Conference usually held in Amsterdam was held in Stockholm, Sweden.


Participants from 27 different countries attended the conference and discussions and presentations were mostly focused on how to plan, design and conduct research projects, which really contribute to the progress of science but also to the progress of the society with practical impacts.


Projects from different Swedish universities competed for the Sweden Impact of Science 2017 Award in three categories:

  • Medical Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering


In June 12th, during the Sweden Impact Award Ceremony 2017 at the City Hall in Stockholm the three nominees in the Physical Sciences and Engineering were announced and the winner was the project:


Platform for Triple Helix cooperation on industrial water handling in Småland and the Islands based on the KK-Stiftelsen project “Integrated approach for industrial wastewater and stormwater management in wood-industry sector”.


This project was developed from 2008 up to 2013 by the Environmental Science and Engineering Group (ESEG) group at Linnaeus University, in cooperation with AB Gustaf Kähr and other industries (Akzo Nobel, Sherwin-Williams Sweden AB, Kalmar Energi and Revatec) financed by KK-Stiftelsen, Regionförbundet and Tillväxtverket.


The project was among the three final nominees selected by an AESIS international board of experts.


The project coordinator Prof. William Hogland received the prize from the hands of the Chair of the AESIS Network Dr Koenraad Debackere. The scientific coordinator of the project Prof. Marcia Marques and the Environmental Embassador of AB Gustaf Kährs, Mr Bruce Uhler were present at the ceremony.


During the event Prof. Hogland mentioned “To go from laboratory scale to pilot scale and then, to demo-plants installed at the industry was very challenging. Six PhD theses, more than 24 scientific papers were produced but also demo-plants were installed to treat the highly contaminated process water generated inside the wood-floor industry and the stormwater from storage areas”.


The Scientific Coordinator for the project Prof. Marcia Marques from Rio de Janeiro University (UERJ) and Visiting Professor at LNU said about the Award: “In order to evaluate the relevance of a research project, scientific publications of high quality are required but also the contribution to the society, the improvements in the daily practices at the industrial sector are equally important. This is the reason our project at Linnaeus University got the prize. We produced scientific results of high quality but also demonstrated how to apply them”.


Professor(es) ou profissionais da FEN-Uerj relacionado(s) com esta notícia

Marcia Marques Gomes,

Depto(s) ou Orgãos da FEN-Uerj relacionado(s) com esta notícia

peamb - Mestrado em Engenharia Ambiental
deamb - Doutorado em Engenharia Ambiental
desma - Depto. de Eng. Sanitária e Meio Ambiente

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