International Conference REGSA -2014: Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency And Sustainable Development

Criada em 27/09/2013 13:36 por maperna | Marcadores: evento fen


We invite you to participate in the International Conference REGSA 2014:  Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development”.
We would like to ask your help in the dissemination of our event in your University and we will certainly welcome papers from you and your University.
The aims of the REGSA International Conference 2014: Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development are:
i.                     to allow universities all around the world the opportunity of presenting their works (curriculum innovation, research, activities, practical projects) related to Sustainable Development, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy; 
ii.                  to promote the exchange of information, ideas and experiences acquired in the execution of projects from successful initiatives and good practices in renewable energy generation and use, especially in rural areas;
iii.                to discuss methodological approaches and projects which aim at integrating the issue of sustainable and renewable energy in communities and rural areas, and in supporting projects and the implementation of action plans on renewable energy;
iv.                 to highlight the importance of the innovation in the generation of technologies and in the promotion of sustainable development.
Last but not least, a further aim of the event will be to document and disseminate the experiences available today. To this purpose, a book will be produced, with selected papers presented at the conference. The acceptance of papers is subject to peer-review, and authors are requested to make sure their manuscripts are of the highest international quality.
Profile of the participants
 Teaching staff at Higher Education Institutions;
 Management staff of universities;
• Researchers;
• Project officers and consultants;
• Local authorities and government members;
 Members of NGOs
Member of the public are also welcomed to attend the event.
Structure of the Conference: 
The structure of REGSA International Conference 2014 will be composed of presentations, divided into three themes, dealing with issues of strategic value in reviewing the state of art of policy, legislation, technology transfer for renewable generation, renewable energy and energy efficiency. These are:
Theme 1: Renewable Energies, Renewable Electrical Generation and Energy Efficiency
Theme 2: Sustainable Development and Environment  
Theme 3: Bioclimatic Architecture and Environmental Technologies
Official languages of the conference are Portuguese and English.
The REGSA International Conference 2014 will be held from 6th to 8th May 2014. The schedule is as follows:
6th May 2014
7th May 2014
8th May 2014
All day: arrival 
19h00: Opening Ceremony
Morning: Sessions
Afternoon: Sessions
Evening: Sessions
Morning: SessionsAfternoon: Sessions and Technical Visits
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 30th September 2013
Deadline for submission of papers: 30th November 2013
Deadline for registrations for authors: 30th November 2013
Deadline for registrations for participants: 12th April 2014
Registration and conditions of participation
Registrations are now open and are possible, for the authors, until the 30th November 2013. Since the time for presentations are limited, delegates are advised to register as soon as possible. Participants can register themselves until 12th April 2014.
The organizers will notify any interested delegate or organization in the event that there are limitations with time for presentations. Registered delegates will then receive further information on the preparations for the event. The decision as to which papers will be accepted for presentation will be taken by the International Scientific Committee, on consultation with the organizing committee.
Participants registering to the event will do so under the condition that they will cover their own travel, accommodation and incidental costs (e.g. visa fees) related to their trip to Brazil. The organizers are unable to pay any travel or accommodation costs of any kind.
8. Organizing Institutions
REGSA Project
Universidad de Chile
Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo“
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
International Scientific Committee
Joint Chairmanship
Prof. Dr. José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra, REGSA, Unisul, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Luciano Dutra, REGSA, Unisul, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Walter Leal, REGSA, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Prof. Dr. Rogério Costa SPI, Unisul, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Javier Aliaga, Catholic University of Bolivia, Bolivia
Prof. Dr. Adriano Ciani, University of Perugia, Italy
Prof. Dr. Luis Vargas, University of Chile, Chile
Prof. Luis Velazquez, University of Sonora, Mexico
Prof. Dr. Youssef Ahmad Youssef, Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, School of Business, Canada
Prof. David Chavez, Catholic University of Peru, Peru
Prof. Dr. Mauri Heerdt , Unisul, Brazil
Prof. Nilzo Ivo Ladwig, Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNAHCE, Brazil
Prof. Jacir Leonir Casagrande, Unisul, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Ana Regina Dutra, Unisul, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Anelise Vieira Cubas, Unisul, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Elisa Helena Siegel Moecke, Unisul, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Rafael Faraco, Unisul, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Ronald Wennersten, Institute of Thermal Science and Technology
Shandong University, China
Prof. Dr. Zhihua Zhang, Beijing Normal University, China
Prof. Dr. José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra, REGSA, Unisul, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Luciano Dutra, REGSA, Unisul, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Rogério Costa SPI, Unisul, Brazil
Prof. Frederico Padre Cardoso Unisul, Brazil
Msc. Julia Gottwald, REGSA, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
MSc. Sílvia Back, Unisul, Brazil
MSc. Suely Ferraz de Andrade, REGSA, Unisul, Brazil
BSc. Norma Camisão Schwinden, REGSA, Unisul, Brazil
Dipl.-Biol. Veronika Schulte, REGSA, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Further information and secretariat
Task Force REGSA International Conference 2014
Dipl-Eng.  Norma Beatriz Camisão Schwinden
MSc. Suely Ferraz de Andrade
REGSA – Brasil
UNISUL, Unidade Ilha Centro
Rua Trajano, 219 - Centro
88010- 010- Florianópolis -SC
HOW TO SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT/ Instructions to Authors
The REGSA International Conference 2014: Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development is a forum designed to present the technological enhancements and results of researches in the field of sustainability, energy and renewable applications. The REGSA International Conference 2014 will gather researchers in Renewable Energy and Sustainability from all over the world.
Researchers are invited to submit an abstract on the issues within the scope of the conference. An abstract should be up to 200 words, and should contain the title of the paper, author(s) name(s), institution, rationale and aims of the paper, keywords (up to five) and some of its results. General descriptions of broader contexts should be avoided. The full contact details about the author(s) need to be provided (author’s address, affiliation and e-mail address). Abstracts should be written in the third person and not in the first or second one (e.g. I, me, or my paper). Author(s) whose abstracts have been accepted, will receive further details about how to submit their full papers.
Paper themes:
 Renewable Electricity Generation
 The impact of Renewable Energy on Climate Change
• Solar Energy
• Wind power Energy
 Hydro Power Energy
 Bioclimatic and green architecture
 Law and Environment
• Energy Efficiency
• Renewable Energy Technologies
 Energy Management 
• Sustainable Development
 Bioenergy and biofuels
 Entrepreneurship, Social and Environmental responsibility
Guidelines for the Preparation of the Paper
Papers should be in Word format, including figures and tables. Research papers can be up to 4000 words in length. The Layout and Style to be followed in formatting the paper are as below:
Title: 14pt. Times New Roman; bold
Author(s) Name(s): 10 pt.
Address and Affiliation: 10 pt.
Abstract: 12 pt.
Keywords: 10 pt.
Main Text: 12 pt., Spacing Single
Headings: 12pt bold type, not indented.
Sub-Headings: 12pt bold type, not indented
Paragraphs: New paragraphs are not indented, but are preceded by a line of space.
Figure/Table: Title 9 pt.
Units of Measurement: SI system
References: 12 pt; Harvard style
Submission Guidelines:
Both abstract and full paper should be submitted before the deadline mentioned by email to:
Professor José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra, Dr.
Direção da Unisul Business School
Projetos de pesquisa REGSA e JELARE (fomento da União Européia)
Coordenador da Pós Graduação em Gestão Estratégica de Instituições de Ensino Superior
(48) 32791927
cel. (48) 99989891



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