Bolsa de Estudos em Portugal

Criada em 17/10/2009 00:08 por maperna | Marcadores: aluno estag fen

 Bolsa de estudos em Portugal, na área de Engenharia, valor mensal de 980 Euros.
Todos os detalhes sobre a candidatura seguem abaixo: COMPUTATIONAL MODELING OF FRACTURING PROCESSES - Deadline for Applications: 25th of October 2009.


Deadline for Applications: 25th of October 2009

We are looking for Masters or Bachelor Students to fill in a PhD research studentship in our
research centre at IDMEC PORTO – Institute of Mechanical Engineering. The scholarship is
available for a period of six months with possibility of renewal. The PhD studentship will pay a
bursary of 980€ per month.

Desirable Criteria: Degree in appropriate Engineering subject (Mechanical, Civil …)
Masters in appropriate Engineering subject (Mechanical, Civil …)
Good knowledge of Finite Elements
Good programming skills

Objectives and Work Programme: The main objective of this project is to develop analytical and
numerical models for the finite element simulation of fracture initiation and propagation
processes. These phenomena can be found in projectile impact, rock blasting, machining
operations, etc. The main tasks to be undertaken are:

– Formulation of constitutive models that include a large number of complex interacting
physical phenomena (extremely large plastic strains in the presence of internal degradation,
high strain rates, thermal effects, …) and their implementation within a finite element
– Development and implementation of numerical procedures to allow the propagation of
cracks through finite element meshes when coupled with adaptive remeshing;
– Validation and appraisal of the developed models in practical problems.

Scientific Supervision: Dr. Francisco M. Andrade Pires

Please forthwith send your CV and a motivation letter to the following address or informally

contact Dr. Francisco Pires, email:

Dr. Francisco M. Andrade Pires
Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias,
s/n 4200-465 Porto, Portugal

Fonte: DCI SR2

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Em 17/10/09 07:45 Juliana disse:

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