PROFESSOR: Alan José Salomão Graça, Msc em Geografia PPGG/UFRJ

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Notícias relacionadas na FEN-UERJ

  • dos mapas à cartografia web - Tecnologia em Perspectiva. 2022-11-16 17:55:45
    A cartografia incorporou muitas ferramentas tecnológicas e os avanços desse instrumento utilizado pela humanidade desde os tempos mais remotos é o tema da nossa discussão de hoje.

  • Artigos

    SALOMÃO GRAÇA, A. J. & FIORI, S. R. Proposal for a Tourist Web Map of the South Area of Rio: Cartographic Communication and the Act of Representing the Landscape in Different Scales and Levels of Abstraction. Brazilian Journal of Cartography.  Vol. 67, nº 5, Special Issue 27th ICC: 2015, 1079-1090pp.

    SALOMÃO GRAÇA, A. J. & FIORI, S. R. Proposal for a Tourist Web Map of the South Area of Rio: Cartographic Communication and the Act of Representing the Landscape in Different Scales and Levels of Abstraction. Brazilian Journal of Cartography.  Vol. 67, nº 5, Special Issue 27th ICC: 2015, 1079-1090pp.SALOMÃO GRAÇA, A. J. & FIORI, S. R. Proposal for a Tourist Web Map of the South Area of Rio: Cartographic Communication and the Act of Representing the Landscape in Different Scales and Levels of Abstraction. Brazilian Journal of Cartography.  Vol. 67, nº 5, Special Issue 27th ICC: 2015, 1079-1090ppSALOMÃO GRAÇA, A. J. & FIORI, S. R. Proposal for a Tourist Web Map of the South Area of Rio: Cartographic Communication and the Act of Representing the Landscape in Different Scales and Levels of Abstraction. Brazilian Journal of Cartography.  Vol. 67, nº 5, Special Issue 27th ICC: 2015, 1079-1090pp.




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